3 June (Friday) 

17,30 - Opening ceremony – University Hall (master of ceremon y Mrs. Ivana Jocić)

Chairman: dr Elizabeta Dimitrova ( Skopje )

  1. 18,45 - 19,00 – dr Rozmeri Basic ( Oklahoma, SAD ) Byzantine Art and Contemporary Fashion
  2. 19,00 - 19, 15 - dr Elena Klenina, dr Andrzej Biernacki ( Sevastopol, Poznan ) New Christian complex in Taurica Chersonesos (5 th-14 th centuries)
  3. 19,15 - 19,30 – dr Budimir Aleksić – Vasilj Jovović, MA ( Nikšić ) S t. Jovan Vladimir about the Byzanti um in Serbian literature and historiography
  4. 19,30 - 19,45 - Theoni Boura ( Athens ) Christian Byzantium and friendly relationships between Greece and Serbia
  5. 19.45 - 20,00 – dr Vujadin Ivanišević and dr Sonja Stamenković ( Belgrade ) Early Byzantine architectural decoration in medieval churches of the Caričin grad area
  6. 20,00 - 20,15 – dr Miša Rakocija ( Niš ) Impost capit e l of paleo-Byzantine basilica in Ćurlina and sk ul ptors workshop activity in Niš
  7. 20,15 - 20,30 – dr Predrag Dragojević ( Belgrade) The origins and experience of a sculpture: the monument to Alexandar I Karadjordjević in Niš (2004)

4 June (Saturday)  

Chairman: dr Eirini Artemi ( Athens )

  1. 09,00 - 09,15 – dr Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez ( Murcia, Spain ) Semaforus: an elusive and mysterious Roman standard bearer
  2. 09,15 - 09,30 – dr Alina Soroceanu ( Berlin, Germany ) “iamne abis et nos properans relinquis”: Some considerations regarding Nicetas’ speedy departure from Nola in 400
  3. 09,30 - 09,45 – dr Vladimir Aleksić ( Niš ) About the possible sojourn of two German Barons in Niš in 1166
  4. 09,45 - 10,00 – Deajn Gašić, Danijel Stoiljković ( Kosovska Mitrovica ) “Horrifying Lightning“over the Byzantine Empire: The image of Sultan Bayezid I (1389 - 1402) in the narrative sources from XV and XVI centuries
  5. 10,00 - 10,15 – deacon Ivica Čairović, MA (Belgrade) Zack ’s and Bleckmann‘s analysis of Philostorgius description of the Battle of Mursa (351)
  6. 10,15 - 10,30 – dr Ergün Lafli ( Izmir, Turkey ) New Evidences on the Foundation of Constantinople by Constantine the Great from Naissus
  7. 10,30 - 10,45 – Goran Janićijević ( Belgrade ) Iconology of late antique art in theoretical interpretations by Aleksandar Jovanović

10,45 - 11,00 – break

Chairman: dr Predrag Dragojević (Belgrade)

  1. 11,00 - 11,15 – Gordana Kostić, MA ( Belgrade ) The first centuries of Christianity in Ethiopia and the Byzantine Empire from III to VI century - historical context
  2. 11,15 - 11,30 –dr Eirini Artemi ( Athens ) Orthodoxy Gnosiology and Ontology of the Triune God to Nicholas bishop Methone
  3. 11,30 - 11,45 – dr Olivera Ili ć ( Belgrade ) Paleo-Christian sepulchral monuments of Viminacijum as an indicator of social status of th e buried people out there
  4. 11,45 - 12,00 – dr Svetla Petrova ( Sofia ) The baptistery of the Episcopal basilica in Parthicopolis
  5. 12,00 - 12,15 – Dušan Rašković ( Vienna ) Налази делова појасн e опреме из касноантичког и рановизантијског периода у окружју Алексинца и Соко Бање
  6. 12,15 - 12,30 – dr Zdravko Dimitrov ( Sofia ) Late Roman villa near Mursalevo village in the valley of river Struma
  7. 12,30 - 12,45 – dr Ivo Topalilov ( Shumen ) Some Notes on the Late Antique necropolises of Philippopolis, Thrace

Chairman: dr Svetla Petrova - Dineva ( Sofia)

  1. 12,45 - 13,00 – dr Georgi Atanasov, dr Ioto Vareriev ( Silistra ) The crypt of the Early Christian Basilica “N o 3” of Zaldapa, South Dobrudja
  2. 13,00 - 13,15 – dr Nicolay Sharankov ( Sofia ) Serdica honours Emperor Julian: An echo of the final struggle between Paganism and Christianity
  3. 13,15 - 13,30 – dr Snezhana Filipova ( Skopje) Images of cities and their architecture in the Macedonian collection of icon paintings
  4. 13,30 - 13,45 – dr Ariadna Voronova (Moscow) Early Christian basilica of Northern Dalmatia and Kvarner: problem of typology

14,00 - 16,00 – Dinner

Chairman: dr Vladimir Simić ( Belgrade )

  1. 16,00 - 16,15 – dr Elizabeta Dimitrova, Orhideja Zorova ( Skopje ) Beautiful Creatures in Art and Archaeology: Macedonia as “The Garden of Delights”
  2. 16,15 - 16,30 – Kristina Miloradović ( Belgrade ) Remembering death in the opening miniatures of Serbian Munich psalter
  3. 16,30 - 16,45 – dr Anđela Gavrilović ( Belgrade ) Images of the signed six-winged cherubim in Serbian medieval frescoes and the reasons for their painting
  4. 16,45 - 17,00 – dr Tatjana Starodubcev (Novi Sad) A martyr and physician Talalej and his respect and representation in the medieval East Christian world

17,00 - 17,15 – break

Chairman: dr Tatjana Starodubcev (Novi Sad)

  1. 17,15 -17,30 – dr Jasmina S. Cirić ( Belgrade ) An ecclesiology of the visible: triumphal arch at the west facade of the holy virgin Ljeviška church in Prizren. Space, structure, meaning
  2. 17,30 - 17,45 – Vladimir Božinović ( Belgrade ) Palmeta in the blooming heart contour in the sculptural decoration of Lazarica and Ravanica: A hypothesis about the origin of the motif and its symbolism
  3. 17,45 - 18,00 – dr Branislav Cvetković ( Jagodina ) Panagiarion of despot issa Barbara Frankopan Branković
  4. 18,00 - 18,15 - dr Ioannis Sisiou (Kastoria , Greece ) D ecoration of the dome of the Virgin Zevgostasi Church (Kastoria)
  5. 18,15 - 18,30 – Rosa D’Amico; dr Sanja Paji ć ( Bologna, Kragujevac ) Duccio di Buoninsegna: the stained glass of the cathedral in Siena between East and West
  6. 18,30 - 18,45 – dr Maya Zaharieva ( Sofia ) The earliest painting of Cherepish Monastery “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” (16th and early 17th centuries )
  7. 18,45 - 19,00 – dr Vladimir Simić ( Belgrade ) Reception of medieval rulers and the patriot image of Tsar Dušan in the 18th century
  8. 19,00 - 19,15 – Ivana Ženarju Rajović ( Leposavić ) S t. Sava in the church painting of Ra š ka and Prizren Eparchy in the last century of Ottoman rule
  9. 19,15 - 19,30 – dr Xénia Golub ( Budapest ) The Iconographic Programme of the Wall-Paintings of the Monastery Church of Grábóc
  10. 19,30 - 19,45 – dr Szilveszter Terdik ( Budapest ) Some Post-Byzantine Items with Serbian Relations Kept in Hungarian Museums

5 June (Sunday)  

09,30 – Reception at the City Hall
10,00 - 14,00 – tour of cultural monuments : St. Virgin Monastery in Sićevo; St. Jovan Monastery and the Latin Church in Gornji Matejevac