International Symposium of Byzantologists
Dr Miša Rakocija
For twelve years already, the eminent byzantologists gather under the roof of the Niš University. This year’s symposium “Niš and Byzantium“ was in the sign of the great jubillee of the Edict of Milan and a milestone in the mankind history that is reflected in event today actual message: “Constantine, in hoc signo vinces – 313-2013“. It was designed as a four day-long congress of byzantologists, where the largest number of scientists have taken part so far, focusing their knowledge on the issues of the Edict of Milan, Constantine the Great and his legacy.
Symposium Opening ceremony, Mayor Zoran Perišić, PhD, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej,
Rector of the University of Niš, Dragan Antić,PhD, Niš City Assembly President,Mile Ilic PhD, Archbishop of Belgrade Mr. Stanislav Hočevar,
Bishop of Niš Dr Jovan, President of Mediana Municipality, Dr Nebojsa Krstic
Opening ceremony, Introduction word Dr Miša Rakocija
An important life event of Constantine the Great which firmed his faith in Christe was one Constantine’s dream or maybe a vision in the sky, that happened in 312 right before the battle against the superior army of Maxentius. However, Constantine was addressed by the God voice “C?nstantine, in hoc signo vinces“. Having heard the God’s voice, Constantine put the sign of Christ (monogram) on his helmet, on soldiers’ shields and on the war flag (labarum) as the imperial insignia. This victorious sign, from then on known as Constantine's monogram - was made up of the initial letters of Christ's name.
Constantine’s rational spirit inspired by sincere belief in one God, led him to this gesture, and no doubt, sincerely was welcomed by soldiers Christians, what enable him to take the victory over Maxentius. Thanks to this fateful victory he believes in one God and in the following year, together with Licinius, signed the Edict of Milan, which is a milestone in the history of mankind. Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor, later St. Emperor Constantine, establishes Byzantine spirituality, state, civilization, culture and art. Thanks to him European peoples have been spiritually and culturally integrated.
Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej
This made our desire come true - to get the symposium "Nis and Byzantium" profiled until 2013 - the anniversary of the Edict of Milan - as one of the eminent traditional byzantologists meetings on the topic of Byzantine civilization, culture and the arts, that are held in the country and abroad.
All these years the symposium brings together eminent scientists, young researchers and connoisseurs of both Nis and Byzantium.
Mayor of the City of Niš, Zoran Perišić, PhD
The twelve -volume collection of works with around 6000 pages and its CD version, available also on the website ( ), make the necessary reading for any serious researcher.
The scientific level of presented and printed papers have been the most accurately fully described by the words of prominent academicians at the opening of "Nis and Byzantium ." Thus, the first gathering of byzantologists in Nis in 2002 was opened then by President of Serbian Academy of Science and Arts (SANU) Academician Dr Dejan Medaković. The 5th symposium was opened by Academician Dr Cvetan Grozdanov, President of Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts (MANU), a corresponding member of (SANU) , the seventh set in 2008 was opened by Academician Dr Vera Bitrakova Grozdanova ( MANU ), the tenth in 2011 by Academician Dr Renate Pilinger, a member od Austrian Academy of Science and Arts, the eleventh in 2012 by Academician Dr Ljubomir Maksimovic (SANU), and in this 2013 the symposium was opened by Academician Dr Slobodan Curcic, profesor emeritus at SANU.
Rector of the University of Niš, Dragan Antić, PhD
For the last 12 years thanks to the scientific arguments here presented, our knowledge about the city of Nis have changed significantly and have been complemented by new facts and integrated in a special edition collection called "Nis and Christian Heritage." Thanks to the new discoveries, the past of Niš now looks different. This enabled the city of Nis to take a prominent position in the cultural mosaic of Europe.
Academician prof. emeritus Dr Slobodan Ćurčić (Prinston)
Promotion of the Proceedings Miodrag Marković, PhD
And this year, the symposium "Niš and Byzantium XII” work began with the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej. The opening ceremony continued with words of welcome by Mayor of Niš Dr Zoran Perišić. On behalf of Niš University the participants were addressed and greeted by the rector Dragan Antić, PhD. The symposium was opened by Academician Professor Emeritus Dr Slobodan Ćurčić (Princeton). A special edition, issued on the occasion of the Edict of Milan great jubilee, "Nis and Christian Heritage" was presented by prof. Miodrag Markovic (Belgrade). Proceedings of “Nis and Byzantium XI” was presented by Bojana Krsmanović (Belgrade).
Opening of the Exibition “Naissus – Mediana“
In the exhibition hall of the University, the exibition "Naissus - Mediana" by Elena Vasić Petrović, Institute for Cultural Monuments Protection Niš, was opened by Radoslav Petrović, an advisor to the President of the Republic in charge of culture.
This year 118 authors applied for participation. Despite the fact that the symposium lasted one day longer, the organizers unfortunatelly had to limit the number of participants. Due to the known economic circumstances, the City of Nis succeded to invite a half of them and thus 75 participants took part from all over the world: Great Britain, Austria, USA , Canada, Italy, Russia, Greece, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Germany, Croatia, Serbia and Lebanon. Again, the number of foreign participants excedeed those from the country, what clearly indicates on the importance and the reputation of the conference "Nis and Byzantium".
Reception at the City Hall, Slobodan Ćurčić, PhD
The twelveth symposium “Niš and Byzantium“ was closed with the reception at the City Hall, hosted by Mr. Srdjan Aleksić, Niš City Councilor. Traditionally, the participants took the floor and said breifly their impressions about the last symposium. At the very end, there was a visit tour of the city cultural monuments and historical sites.
Participants of the symposium Niš and Byzantium XII
The symposium "Niš and Byzantium" is the hallmark of the City of Nis and inseparable from its name. This reflects the importance of the symposium, which has survived through the years due to special efforts of the City of Niš, Niš Orthodox Eparchy and the University of Niš, and thanks to the patronage and the blessing of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej and Niš Bishop Dr Jovan.
Visit to the Martyrium Basilica in Niš
There is still a lot of work and dedication to the symposium "Niš and Byzantium" aiming to preserve this gathering also in future, to the glory of the City of Nis, Serbia and the Byzantine civilization and its heritige that is firmly embedded in the foundations of modern European civilization.