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24th SYMPOSIUM "1700 years after the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea: 325–2025"

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Международный симпозиум византологов "Ниш и Византия"

Pictures and Videos from the Symposium

The Exhibition, After 15 Years

Niš and Christian Heritage

The Collection of Scientific Works
Collection XXII
Collection XXI
Collection XX
Collection XIX
Collection XVIII
Collection XVII
Collection XVI
Collection XV
Collection XIV
Collection XIII
Collection XII
Collection XI
Collection X
Collection IX
Collection VIII
Collection VII
Collection VI
Collection V
Collection IV
Collection III
Collection II
Collection I

Niš and Its Landmarks

The Cathedral of Niš

The Constantine's City - Ancient Christian Niš

Monastery and Churches of South and East Serbia

The Monastery of the Theotokos in the Sićevo Gorge

Monasteries and Churches of Niš


City of Niš

University of Niš

Ortodox Niš Eparchy

  1. Papers are to be sent via e-mail in electronic form: Microsoft Word; Times New Roman; font size 12; line spacing 1.5
  2. Basic alphabet is Cyrillic. If using specific fonts, please, send them along with the paper work as a separate file.
  3. Illustrated supplies about 20 attachments:drawings, calks, plans /maps/ shemes of a minimum of 600 dpi or ppi (pixels / inch); Photos of minimum 300dpi
  4. Text along with footnotes about 16 pages (1 page 1857 characters)
  5. The paper concludes with a summary in a foreign language or in Serbian.If the paper is in a foreign language - 1 to 2 pages maximum.
  6. The paper end contains captions for illustrations
  7. Footnotes are to be on the bottom of each page.
  8. References in the footnotes:
    1. specific books: author, title (italics), place and year of publication, pages cited.
      D. Vojvodić, Mural Painting at the Church of St. Achilles in Arilje, Belgrade 2005, 204.
      A. Khatchatrian, Les baptistéres paléochrétiens, Paris 1962, 34-38.
    2. articles in journals: the author. The title (italics), journal name (full name or with known acronym), volume number, (exceptionally - the editor) place and year of publication (in parentheses), pages cited.
      D. Živković, From the iconographic program of the Church of the Virgin in Studenica (1568): individual depictions of saints in the nothern vestibule, Niš and Byzantium XII, editor M. Rakocija (Niš 2014), 423.
      M. Rakocija,Das frühe Christentum in Naissus/Niš (Serbien), Mitteilungen zur christlichen archäologie 17, ed. R. Pilinger, R. Harreither, (Wien 2011), 9-50.
      Note: Preposition “in” is not to be stated.
    3. publications of the source: author and title of the original work, the name of the publisher (italics), place and year of publication, cited page or pages and the rows.
      Esphygmenic Charter of Despot George, publication P. Ivić - V. J. Djurić - S. Cirković, Belgrade - Smederevo 1989, 22 Fig. Critobuli imbriotae Historia, ed. D.R. Reinsch, Berlin-New York 1983 154
    4. abbreviations used (according to the language and script of the cited article):
      • while listing authors – specify one name below another: the same / eadem
      • when listing the author and the work - specify one below the other: the same / ibid
      • when listing the same part of the work – specify the part / loc.cit
      • if multiply cited same work of the same author: state the work / op.cit ; or the author's name with shortened title, page number / image number
      • up., cf .; note
    5. abbreviations for page - p. and pp. are not to be used
  1. the title of the paper, in capital letters, centered; if the scientific paper resulted from research work within a specific project, the project title and number are to be given in the footnote linked to the title by an asterisk (*);

  2. the name and surname of the author(s) (without titles, functions, positions etc.), below the paper title along the left text margin, in capital letters; the author’s affiliation with a university or research institution and the author’s e-mail address should be listed in a footnote linked to the author's name by two asterisks (**); if the scientific paper has two or more authors, the name and surname of the second and other authors should be written below the name and surname of the first author and linked to the corresponding data in the footnote by means of three (***) or more asterisks;

  3. the abstract, which briefly summarizes the problem, aim, methods and results of the research (up to 600 characters) should be presented in the same language as the basic text language; the left margin of the abstract should be indented 1.5 cm from the main text;

  4. the keywords (up to seven) should be standard and relevant to the scientific paper topic and content; the introductory phrase should be written in italics (Keywords); no full stop at the end of keywords; the left margin indented 1.5 cm from the main text;

Institute Of
Byzantine Research

Institute of Archaeology
Belgrade - Serbia

Institute for Byzantine Studies
Serbian Academy of Sciences And Arts

Faculty of Philosophy
Belgrade - Serbia

Macedonian Academy
of Sciences And Arts

Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences


Centre for Byzantine